Saturday, July 25, 2015

Some quotess

Ok, I know this blog its kind of dead, so lets go with some quotes...

V.A - Blood Promise

Hey! Anybody out there?
I'm here... not reading...I know... I should, it's just... I don't feel like doing it...
Don't get me wrong, I've been reading. I'm in the middle of "Blood Promise" (Vampire Academy 4)

Monday, June 22, 2015

Some quotes

Ok, Im gonna say goodbye... for now...
Ill try to write more, I promess!!
Well, here some quotes...


I love that last one...

Let her go...

Lately Ive been listening to "Let her go" - Passenger... I just love that soong! Its so... I dont know... so sweet, and the lyrics are really cool...


Hiii! This blog its kind of dead, I know...
But sometimes I write...
So... How are you?
Now Im reading "Delirium"- Lauren Oliver.
Are you reading something??

Monday, April 13, 2015

The Circle

Hello! Right now I'm reading "The Circle"
Have you read it? Would you read it??

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Friday, April 10, 2015

Looking for Alaska

I finished "Looking for Alaska"!!
And I totally loved it!

It's a very beautiful book with a lot of beautifil metaphors.
And it's John Green's first novel!

Did you read it? Did you like it?



Thursday, April 9, 2015

Looking for Alaska quotes

Well this will be my last post... see you tomorrow!
I leave you a quote...

I would like to find my Great Perhaps... But I'm too focus in other things...
Do you have  Great Perhaps??

     Resultado de imagen para looking for alaska quotes

An awsome metaphor...


Fairy Oak

Hello!! How are you? I've been studying like a crazy...

But now I'm FREE!!

Well... let's see... emmm...
Have you read "Fairy Oak"?? I've read it when I was like 12 or something, but I totally recommend it!
It's very beautiful and magic, and the author is italian, just for you to know.

This is the official site:
(it is in spanish)
Here is one in english:

And here it goes synopsis:

“For over one thousand years, at the stroke of midnight, in the houses of Fairy Oak something magical happens:
tiny glittering fairies tell stories about children to excited witches with kind eyes, who drink in every single word.
Curious, isn’t it?
Everyone knows that fairies and witches don’t get along 
and that witches don’t like children one little bit.
But we are in Greenvale, in the village of Fairy Oak.
And here things have always gone a little differently…”

It's really beautiful! I recomend it!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Well... I'm gonna leave you, but I'll come tomorrow with more

I say goodbye with this beautiful quote

See you!

Will Herondale

Today I have a thing about Will, so let's read something about him :)
Here are some quotes


Books makes me feel that way... ist's beautiful

I'll die single... I wish they were real...


How do you read??


Now something different.. it's just I was listening to music and I saw this video:

It's "Lego House" - Ed Sheeran. I haven't seen it... I liked the song, but the video it's weird...

What do you say??


Hi!! How are you guys??

I just heard about a terrible new... Nina Dobrev is leaving The Vampire Diaries!!!!

I was like..

I just can't believe it... What do you say about it??

It's like I hate her, but I'm gonna miss her!!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

My last hello

Hello again, it will be my last hello today cause I'm gonna read ;)
So, what should I write about...
I know... Have you read "Vampire Academy"?? Did you like it??
I think it is a good book, and I like Rose, and Dimitri, and them together...

Don't hesitate, just do it!

I love when he calls her Roza...

Dimitri's fan art...

Well, I'm gonna go!! See you later!


What are you reading right now??

Do you write? or do you prefer reading??

I like to write... once in a while...